Education: How I redeemed myself

By Odunayo Akinlade

Many will say as if straight from the horses mouth
Education is the best legacy
Yes, that education is what remains when one forgotten
What seemed like forever to learn in school

I never wanted to believe what they say
That education is the supreme way the
Teacher awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge
Education is the miracle, the opportunity that comes in
What happens to be a one and ephemeral lifetime

Can it be said the only way to achieve your burning future desires is education?
I am made to realize that learning entails questioning
The important thing is not to stop questioning
He who asks wants to know and 
to know means greatness

I learn as time goes by that education is the highest form of understanding
You get the chicken by hatching the egg
Not by smashing it
So, the key to success is patience

The most amazing thing about learning
Is that no one can actually take it away from you,
Once in you, it remains a part of you and it
Defines your personality.

I can proudly tell you now that
You must be a student before you can be a teacher,
A servant before becoming the master
The entire teacher opens the door of success
Walking into it is the transition in becoming a great person in life.

These questions, these situations, these words make me finally realize,
Propels me to be in consensus
That’s why I believe, after so many dark years,
Education is the best legacy.
